
Patient Inquiries
If you are interested in becoming a patient (or are a returning patient after more than one year since your last visit), please contact the office at 240.979.0615  or email [email protected].  Dr. Guerrieri reaches out to all prospective patients by phone or email to see if her practice is a good fit for your needs and to provide information to you about Well-Minded, LLC.  The return call or email is not intended to diagnose, manage, or treat any condition.  Dr. Guerrieri sees patients on Monday and Tuesday evenings and Saturdays, by appointment.

First visits
Adults: The Initial Assessment is a comprehensive appointment to discuss goals and objectives for care. This appointment lasts 60 – 75 minutes. Patients bring completed first-visit forms that are provided after the appointment is scheduled. Please bring copies of all medical records that you would like to have reviewed during the first visit. You can bring a family member to your first appointment.

Adolescents: The Initial Assessment is comprised of two appointments.  During Appointment 1, the patient and Dr. Guerrieri meet individually then the parents are interviewed individually. During Appointment 2, the patient and Dr. Guerrieri meet to discuss the treatment plan and goals and then the parents are included in the latter half of the treatment planning session. Patients and Parents bring completed first-visit forms that are provided after the appointment is scheduled. Please bring copies of medical records that you would like to have reviewed during the first visit.

For individuals seeking a second opinion about a diagnosis, medication management, or referral recommendations, a one- or two-visit consultation service is available. During this consultation, no medications are prescribed but may be reviewed. A written summary will be provided to you and to your current provider/prescriber.  Consultation is not an agreement of transfer of care. What to bring to your consultative appointment(s): Complete the intake forms and bring them with you to your consultation. Please bring copies of any/all records that you would like to have reviewed during consultations (including previous office visits, laboratory results, hospital visits, physical exams, and test results, etc). Allow 2-3 weeks for receipt of the written summary. 

Existing patients
If you are an active patient, please use your patient portal, call, or email to schedule follow-up appointments. Allow at least a 2-week window to schedule your desired appointment time. Remember that prescription refills for controlled substances require an in-office appointment.

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